Unser Team
Hinter jedem Produkt steckt eine Geschichte.
Eine sehr persönliche Geschichte. Lange Diskussionen bei einer Tasse Tee oder Kaffee. Viele gemeinsame Mittagessen an einem mittlerweile zu kleinen Tisch. An so manchen kalten Winterarbeitstagen teilen wir uns gemeinschaftlich eine Wärmeflasche. Lange Telefonate mit Freunden & Freundinnen, Kunden & Kundinnen, Handwerkern & Handwerkerinnen und verrückten Geschäftspartnern & Geschäftspartnerinnen.
Tonnenweise Papier und Leder. Viel Geduld und Engagement. Einige Fehler. Große Träume & kleine Schritte. Sorgfalt & Respekt. Willkommen bei der paper republic Familie!
Lerne uns näher kennen
Lerne die Menschen, die deine Produkte mit Sorgfalt und Liebe fertigen und versenden, ein bisschen besser kennen.

aka: Aga
mother tongue: Polish
official job: stock team
secret job: so secret that I brag about it daily
dream: feeling alive as often as possible

aka: Aleks
mother tongue: Polish
official job: head of Production Planning and Continuous Improvement
secret job: waffle maker
dream: motorbike trip in Japan

aka: Ami
mother tongue: Denglish
official job: fulfillment
secret job: shazaming
dream:trekking the world

aka: Tassi, Bastya
mother tongue: Ukranian
official job: fulfillment operator
secret job: secondhand books hunter
dream: to curate a big villa in the south of France for artistic residence

aka: Nastunia
mother tongue: a mix of central Ukrainian & Galician dialect
official job: e-commerce specialist
secret job: moshpit starter
dream: every ukrainian's dream

aka: Nini
mother tongue: German
official job: HR Generalist
secret job: capybara cuddler
dream: to work from wherever I want, whether it's Antarctica or the Maldives

aka: Ani
mother tongue: Bulgarian
official job: l'atelier customer service
secret job: circus performer
dream: to be always happy

aka: Anita
mother tongue: Denglish
official job: product designer
secret job: interior designer
dream: a summer lake house in Sweden

Anna S.
aka: Anushka
mother tongue: Grazerisch (special Styrian dialect)
official job: HR Manager
secret job: to turn cardboard into just about anything your imagination can dream up
dream: to own my own boutique hotel

aka: Aylosh
mother tongue: turkish
official job: production planning
secret job: cat whisperer
dream: have some magic and be a wizard

aka: Bianca
mother tongue: Mühlviertlersich
official job: fulfillment
secret job: vanillekipferl provider & Kpop addict
dream: to travel to all countries in Asia

Currently busy brainstorming her details!

aka: Carry
mother tongue: german
official job: leather designer
secret job: marketendering
dream: to be a designer

aka: Carmenita
mother tongue: romanian
official job: leather designer & production officer
secret job: modelling
dream: to become a singer

aka: the one with the really french name, but who isn't french
mother tongue: denglish
official job: head of marketing
secret job: professional couch-potato
dream: to eat endless amounts of delicious food without ever feeling full

aka: Dani
mother tongue: Spanish, with a side of Columbian arepas and great coffee
official job: leather artisan extraordinaire
secret job: undercover philogist
dream: to live in a remote cabin with my dog, crafting leather goods while surrounded by nature

aka: Eleni
mother tongue: Bulgarian
official job: bookkeeper
secret job: chocolate taster
dream: to be a fashion designer

aka: Lisi
mother tongue: German
official job: pre-production allrounder
secret job: painter
dream: to be able to breath underwater

aka: Evi
mother tongue: spanish (paísa)
official job: everything I can
secret job: electro dancer
dream: to talk with animals

aka: Fetzi
mother tongue: german
official job: customer service
secret job: product tester
dream: a clear horizon, nothing to worry about

aka: Gabrielitto
mother tongue: patagonian spanish
official job: a man for everything
secret job: time traveller
dream: travel the world by bike

aka: Ghazal
mother tongue: Farsi
official job: stock production
secret job: designer
dream: to live on Menorca and own a horse to ride around the island

aka: Clari
mother tongue: German
official job: leather designer
secret job: film and series reviewer
dream: to become a witch and live in a cottage in an enchanted forest with my witch friends

aka: one of the many Hannahs, Annas an Johannas
mother tongue: German
official job: customising your dream-portfolio
secret job: snack-getter
dream: a cute little stone house in the english countryside

aka: Harris
mother tongue: Bosnian/Viennese
official job: everything
secret job: batman
dream: to be reborn as a cat

aka: chef
mother tongue: annoying french
official job: CEO (chief everything officer)
secret job: playmobil builder
dream: to be a whisk(e)y taster

aka: Jimo
mother tongue: mexican spanish
official job: purchasing specialist
secret job: tv soccer coach
dream: travelling for free

aka: Johaaa
mother tongue: boring austrian german
official job: CCO (customer care officer)
secret job: kaiserschmarrn expert
dream: to have a big garden

Currently busy brainstorming his details!

aka: Heidi
mother tongue: ordinary high german
official job: LAE (leather account executive)
secret job: mountain explorer
dream: the "one piece" treasure

Currently busy brainstorming her details!

aka: Churra
mother tongue: georgian
official job: product designer
secret job: spaghetti carbonara pre-taster
dream: to become a spaghetti master

aka: Ronja Räubertochter
mother tongue: incomprehensible vorarlbergian alemannic
official job: CSO (chief stacking officer)
secret job: chicken farmer
dream: fulfilled

aka: Bexie
mother tongue: kazakstan russian
official job: ribbon CEO
secret job: professional cake eater
dream: teleportation ability

aka: Flower child
mother tongue: lower-austrian slang
official job: SLE (senior leather executive)
secret job: hotel operator in bali
dream: to time travel back to the 90s

aka: Pomps
mother tongue: Porteño (Buenos Aires Spanish)
official job: CBP (chief book-keeper & photographer)
secret job: knights and dragons story teller
dream: to go to a big ice cream parlour & try all its flavors

aka: Markas
mother tongue: Lithuanian
official job: pre-production & stock
secret job: machine
dream: to be a chef

aka: Mayaaalein
mother tongue: German
official job: SO (shop officer)
secret job: DJ at parties
dream: to live on the beach

aka: Maxi
mother tongue: Frengerish
official job: FAM (fix anything master)
secret job: handyman
dream: to have my own private skilift

aka: Mia
mother tongue: Croatian
official job: pre-production
secret job: influencer
dream: publishing a book

Currently busy brainstorming his details!

aka: Moni
mother tongue: Italian/Spanish
official job: social media associate
secret job: crocheter
dream: having 101 dachshund puppies

aka: Nadscha
mother tongue: german german
official job: leather designer
secret job: professional Kaffeehaus guest
dream: to live by the sea, next to an italian/french pasticceria with really great coffee

Currently busy brainstorming his details!

aka: Aristotel
mother tongue: Ukrainian, Russian
official job: stock team
secret job: breeding unicorns
dream: that the war would end

aka: Patricio
mother tongue: Ungarisch
official job: warehouse & logistics operator
secret job: doctor
dream: unlimited money and energy

Currently busy brainstorming his details!

aka: Doni
mother tongue: Upper-Austrian dialect
official job: PPP (purchasing paper products)
secret job: football coach (wsc)
dream: to pay no rent

aka: Rosi
mother tongue: Denglish
official job: OSO (offline sales officer)
secret job: yoga instructor
dream: to have unlimited time to read fantasy books

aka: Samwise
mother tongue: English
official job: Editor in Chief
secret job: author of travel memoirs
dream: to live in the mountains (✓)

aka: ms. Hewer, inventor of the currywurst
mother tongue: some other strange Austrian dialect
official job: SOS (sustainability officer Steffi)
secret job: sandal designer
dream: to have a mobile garden (with a tiny villa)

aka: meyra
mother tongue: Turkish
official job: leather designer
secret job: doing makeup, nails and eyelashes
dream: learn more about cars and drive several

aka: Khal Drogo
mother tongue: totally unknown Upper-Austrian dialect
official job: SKO (swiss knife officer)
secret job: lion king imitator
dream: to travel all the time

aka: Vanessiush
mother tongue: Spanish
official job: office coordinator
secret job: churro's hunter
dream: to be a drone

aka: Bonbon
mother tongue: Peruvian Spanish
official job: CFO (chief fulfilment officer)
secret job: cake magician
dream: winning the lottery