notre équipe
chaque produit a une histoire
Des histoires personnelles, autour d'un café ou d'un thé ou encore d'un déjeuner d'équipe. De longs appels téléphoniques avec les amis, les clients, les artisans et les partenaires commerciaux.
Beaucoup de patience et d'engagement. Des erreurs. De grands rêves et des petits pas. Pas de Powerpoint. Beaucoup d'attention et de respect. Voilà notre équipe!
qui sommes-nous?
Découvrez l'équipe qui fabrique tous vos produits et prépare vos commandes avec attention et passion.
aka: Aga
mother tongue: Polish
official job: stock team
secret job: so secret that I brag about it daily
dream: feeling alive as often as possible

surnom: neutron vagabond
langue maternelle: mélange anglais-espagnol-haut-autrichien
job officiel: CPO (Crazy Project Officer)
job secret: Exploratice de l'Inconnu
rêve: grand

aka: Ami
mother tongue: Denglish
official job: fulfillment
secret job: shazaming
dream:trekking the world

aka: Tassi, Bastya
mother tongue: Ukranian
official job: fulfillment operator
secret job: secondhand books hunter
dream: to curate a big villa in the south of France for artistic residence

aka: Nastunia
mother tongue: a mix of central Ukrainian & Galician dialect
official job: e-commerce specialist
secret job: moshpit starter
dream: every ukrainian's dream

aka: Nini
mother tongue: German
official job: HR Generalist
secret job: capybara cuddler
dream: to work from wherever I want, whether it's Antarctica or the Maldives

aka: Ani
mother tongue: Bulgarian
official job: l'atelier customer service
secret job: circus performer
dream: to be always happy

surnom Anita
langue maternelle: denglish
job officiel: EACO (Everything Administrative and Customisation Officer)
job secret: designer d'intérieur
rêve: une maison d'été en Suède

Anna S.
aka: Anushka
mother tongue: Grazerisch (special Styrian dialect)
official job: HR Manager
secret job: to turn cardboard into just about anything your imagination can dream up
dream: to own my own boutique hotel

surnom: Cat Lady
langue maternelle: allemand
job officiel: TMM (The Machine Master)
job secret: sommelière
rêve: parler aux animaux

aka: Bianca
mother tongue: Mühlviertlersich
official job: fulfillment
secret job: vanillekipferl provider & Kpop addict
dream: to travel to all countries in Asia

Currently busy brainstorming her details!

aka: Carry
mother tongue: german
official job: leather designer
secret job: marketendering
dream: to be a designer

surnom Carmenita
langue maternelle: roumain
job officiel: Leather Designer & Production Officer
job secret: top model
rêve: devenir chanteuse

surnom celle qui un nom français et n'est pas française
langue maternelle: denglish
job officiel: MRO (Marketing Right Hand Officer)
job secret: professionnelle du canapé
rêve: jamais rassasiée

aka: Dani
mother tongue: Spanish, with a side of Columbian arepas and great coffee
official job: leather artisan extraordinaire
secret job: undercover philogist
dream: to live in a remote cabin with my dog, crafting leather goods while surrounded by nature

aka: Eleni
mother tongue: Bulgarian
official job: bookkeeper
secret job: chocolate taster
dream: to be a fashion designer

aka: Lisi
mother tongue: German
official job: pre-production allrounder
secret job: painter
dream: to be able to breath underwater

surnom: Evi
langue maternelle: espagnol colombien (Paísa)
job officiel: EIC Officer (Everything I Can Officer)
job secret: Electro Dancer
rêve: parler aux animaux

aka: Fetzi
mother tongue: german
official job: customer service
secret job: product tester
dream: a clear horizon, nothing to worry about

aka: Gabrielitto
mother tongue: patagonian spanish
official job: a man for everything
secret job: time traveller
dream: travel the world by bike

aka: Ghazal
mother tongue: Farsi
official job: stock production
secret job: designer
dream: to live on Menorca and own a horse to ride around the island

surnom: Hanni
langue maternelle: haut-allemand viennois
job officiel: GMM (Good Mood Master)
job secret: dresseuse de chiens
rêve: recevoir ma lettre d'admission à Hogwarts

surnom: Mme Hewer
langue maternelle: dialecte autrichien incompréhensible
job officiel: SOS (Sustainability Officer Steffi)
job secret: designer de sandales
rêve:avoir un jardin mobile (avec une petite villa)

aka: Harris
mother tongue: Bosnian/Viennese
official job: everything
secret job: batman
dream: to be reborn as a cat

surnom: Chef
langue maternelle: français agaçant
job officiel: CEO (Chief Everything Officer)
job secret: constructeur de Playmobil
rêve: dégustateur de wisk(e)y

aka: Jimo
mother tongue: mexican spanish
official job: purchasing specialist
secret job: tv soccer coach
dream: travelling for free

surnom: Johaaa
langue maternelle: allemand autrichien ennuyant
job officiel: CCO (Customer Care Officer)
job secret: experte du pancake
rêve: un grand jardin

surnom: Paulinha
langue maternelle: Porteño de Bueonos Aires
job officiel: KA (Katana Master)
job secret: experte en chocolat
rêve: être payée pour parcourir le monde

surnom: Heidi
langue maternelle: haut-allemand ordinaire
job officiel: LAE (Leather Account Executive)
job secret: exploratrice alpiniste
rêve: le trésor de "ONE PIECE"

Currently busy brainstorming her details!

surnom: Churra
langue maternelle: géorgien
job officiel: JSMO (Junior Sewing Machine Operator)
job secret: dégustatrice de spaghetti carbonara
rêve: devenir maître des spaghetti

surnom: Ronya, fille de brigand
langue maternelle: allemano-voralbergois incompréhensible
job officiel: CSO (Chief Stacking Officer)
job secret: éleveuse de poules
rêve: déjà réalisé

aka: Bexie
mother tongue: kazakstan russian
official job: ribbon CEO
secret job: professional cake eater
dream: teleportation ability

surnom: Flower Child
langue maternelle: dialecte bas-autrichien
job officiel: SLE (Senior Leather Executive)
job secret: gérante d'hôtel à Bali
rêve: revenir aux années 90

surnom: Pomps
langue maternelle: Porteño (dialecte de Buenos Aires)
job officiel: CBP (Chief Book-keeper & Photographer)
job secret: conteuse de Knights and Dragons
rêve: déguster toutes les glaces du monde

surnom: Khal Drogo
langue maternelle: dialecte haut-autrichien totalement inconnu
job officiel: SKO (Swiss Knife Officer)
job secret: imitatrice du Roi Lion
rêve: toujours voyager

surnom: Mayaaalein
langue maternelle: allemand
job officiel: SO (Shop Officer)
job secret: DJane
rêve: vivre sur une plage

surnom: Maxi
langue maternelle: francalanglais
job officiel: FAM (Fix Anything Master)
job secret: homme à tout faire
rêve: avoir mon propre remonte-pente

surnom: The Tea Man
langue maternelle: nord-irlandais
job officiel: (CEDO) Chief everything digital Officer)
job secret: guide d'aventures
rêve: vivre dans les montagnes

Currently busy brainstorming his details!

aka: Moni
mother tongue: Italian/Spanish
official job: social media associate
secret job: crocheter
dream: having 101 dachshund puppies

aka: Nadscha
mother tongue: german german
official job: leather designer
secret job: professional Kaffeehaus guest
dream: to live by the sea, next to an italian/french pasticceria with really great coffee

Currently busy brainstorming his details!

aka: Aristotel
mother tongue: Ukrainian, Russian
official job: stock team
secret job: breeding unicorns
dream: that the war would end

aka: Patricio
mother tongue: Ungarisch
official job: warehouse & logistics operator
secret job: doctor
dream: unlimited money and energy

Currently busy brainstorming his details!

aka: Doni
mother tongue: Upper-Austrian dialect
official job: PPP (purchasing paper products)
secret job: football coach (wsc)
dream: to pay no rent

aka: Rosi
mother tongue: Denglish
official job: OSO (offline sales officer)
secret job: yoga instructor
dream: to have unlimited time to read fantasy books

aka: Samwise
mother tongue: English
official job: Editor in Chief
secret job: author of travel memoirs
dream: to live in the mountains (✓)

aka: ms. Hewer, inventor of the currywurst
mother tongue: some other strange Austrian dialect
official job: SOS (sustainability officer Steffi)
secret job: sandal designer
dream: to have a mobile garden (with a tiny villa)

aka: meyra
mother tongue: Turkish
official job: leather designer
secret job: doing makeup, nails and eyelashes
dream: learn more about cars and drive several

aka: Khal Drogo
mother tongue: totally unknown Upper-Austrian dialect
official job: SKO (swiss knife officer)
secret job: lion king imitator
dream: to travel all the time

aka: Vanessiush
mother tongue: Spanish
official job: office coordinator
secret job: churro's hunter
dream: to be a drone

aka: Bonbon
mother tongue: Peruvian Spanish
official job: CFO (chief fulfilment officer)
secret job: cake magician
dream: winning the lottery