paper republic blog - the best leather notebook ideas

Europe’s last leather makers: how paper republic revived a dying industry

Jérôme Bacquias, le fondateur et directeur de paper republic, explique comment, en prenant le tem...

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Les derniers artisans du cuir en Europe : comment paper republic a fait renaître un secteur en voie d'extinction

paper republic opens embassy in Paris

Nous sommes enchantés de vous annoncer l’ouverture de notre première ambassade, notre “boutique d...

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L'expérience paper republic arrive à Paris !

l’atelier live | 3D journal customiser unlocks 100,000 variations: handmade craftmanship meets digital innovation

Introducing: l’atelier live the world’s first online leather journal customiser. Create your perf...

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l'atelier live | il configuratore di taccuini in 3D sblocca 100.000 possibili opzioni: la maestria artigianale incontra l'innovazione digitale

The Serbian Illustrator: Jovana Stašuk | inside my journal

L'illustratrice Jovana Stašuk, originaire de Serbie, a travaillé sur des projets aussi dive...

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Portrait d'une illustratrice serbe : Jovana Stašuk | mon carnet & moi

Monica: the crochet queen | inside my journal

Née au Mexique et élevée en Italie, Monica Nanni est bilingue et a récemment rejoint l’équipe Rés...

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Monica, la reine du crochet | mon carnet & moi

The man with 50 notebooks: confessions of a note-taking addict

Felix Martin could be Austria’s – and possibly the world’s – biggest notebook addict. Beginning h...

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The man with 50 notebooks: confessions of a note-taking addict

7 Famous Diary Entries from Extraordinary People

Journals can be fascinating historical records. With some notebooks dating back to the thirteenth...

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7 Famous Diary Entries from Extraordinary People

Meet the team: the Steffi collection

Meet Steffi...

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Meet the team: the Steffi collection

Meet the team: the Jérôme collection

Meet Jérôme...

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Meet the team: the Jérôme collection

Meet the team: the Ranee collection

Meet Ranee...

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Meet the team: the Ranee collection
